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Blog Posts

Neuropathy Relief! I Can Walk Barefoot On The Beach!

Pain comes in many shapes and sizes. One of the most debilitating being the burning and tingling that comes with peripheral neuropathy. A disease that comes with years of shooting, stabbing pain that gradually ends in numbness, balance problems and on occasion, amputations. A disease that was once classified as… Read More

Hope for Those With Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy

“In 2020 I was diagnosed with advanced stage 4 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and went through months of radiation and chemotherapy. I have to start by saying I feel blessed to still be here,” shares Sue M. Chemotherapy can save lives. And for that we are grateful. Unfortunately, it can also have… Read More

You Don’t Have to Live With Long Covid

“I have two words for Long Covid – the worst,” shares Eric T. of Myrtle Beach. While the initial alarm of the Covid-19 outbreak has subsided, the pandemic is ongoing. The spread may have slowed but we continue to feel the long term impacts. Nearly 23 million Americans (100 million… Read More